Training & Development

Development, Empowerment and Wellness

At the heart of the Junior League of San Diego’s (JLSD) commitment lies a dedication to nurturing the personal and professional growth of our Members. Through a comprehensive approach to training, we aim to cultivate effective volunteers equipped to make a difference in their communities and beyond. Our multifaceted training strategy encompasses both experiential learning and formal instruction, ensuring that members receive a well-rounded education. Through active participation in committee work, our volunteers gain hands-on experience in areas such as marketing, fund development, finance, and event planning, honing skills that are not only valuable in their volunteer efforts but also in their professional lives.

Additionally, our training sessions feature guest speakers covering topics ranging from professional development, personal development and empowerment, and health and wellness, these training sessions offer Members the opportunity to learn from seasoned professionals and expand their knowledge base. Moreover, our commitment to education extends beyond our membership, with initiatives like the Board Academy providing valuable learning opportunities to the broader community. At JLSD, we believe in empowering our members to reach their full potential, both as volunteers and as leaders in their respective fields.