Katherine Knopes: A Reflection on Leadership, Motherhood, and Professional Growth in JLSD

7th year Active member

As a seasoned Active Member, how has your understanding of the League’s mission deepened over the years?

Since joining the Junior League, the part of our Mission that I feel I have really seen develop is the ability to train women. I have seen people who work in Marketing become all-stars on the Community council or people who work in Finance leading New Members. All because they have been trained to do so through the Junior League. The ability for this organization to help women lead other women and train them to do so is an incredible resource of our organization.

How have your hobbies and personal interests contributed to your continued engagement in JLSD?

Since COVID I have become a mom of 2. The JLSD Moms group has been such a great resource for me to get together with other moms, get advice, and help through the transition of motherhood.

Share a pivotal moment where your professional skills and League involvement intersected positively.

I am currently a high school math teacher. My first year teaching was also the year I was Provisional Co-Chair. Planning and organization for my classroom bled over into my job leading Provisionals, and leading a group of like-minded women each month gave me confidence in my public speaking which only can help me in the classroom. That year was a learning experience in both positions and each helped me with the other.

Reflect on your journey so far – which committees or projects stand out as particularly transformative for you?

I think my time on Nominating Committee really shaped my time in the League. It is amazing to be able to see the inner workings of the League and how each position is slated. It felt like a great honor to be part of the committee to pick our future leaders and be a liaison from each committee to the Board.