Amanda Peacock: Navigating Motherhood and Leadership in JLSD

6th Year Active Member

As a seasoned Active Member, how has your understanding of the League’s mission deepened over the years?

It’s been quite the ride, getting to know the heart and soul of the League’s mission over the years. With each leadership role I’ve taken on, I’ve gained a deeper appreciation for the unique strengths and contributions of every member in our League. I’m excited to continue learning in my next two years on Nominating Committee.

How have your hobbies and personal interests contributed to your continued engagement in JLSD?

Juggling the demands of motherhood has reshaped my priorities, but JLSD has been a constant source of strength. Whether it’s seeking advice from the JLSD moms Facebook group or sharing the joy of parenthood with fellow members, this League has been my village, supporting me through every step of motherhood.

Share a pivotal moment where your professional skills and League involvement intersected positively.

Being a part of leadership within JLSD wasn’t just about adding tasks; it was an opportunity for profound professional growth. Balancing the demands of VP of Membership alongside my corporate role, I quickly discovered the invaluable transferability of skills learned in JLSD leadership to my professional life. The seamless connection between my VP tenure and current corporate position has equipped me with essential communication and organizational skills, enhancing my effectiveness in both fields.

Reflect on your journey so far – which committees or projects stand out as particularly transformative for you?

Not that we’re playing favorites here but being a Provisional mentor was an incredibly fulfilling experience for me. Walking alongside New Members on their Junior League journey allowed me to witness their growth firsthand. It was deeply rewarding to offer guidance and support as they embarked on their own experiences within JLSD.